Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tips Bercinta dalam Mencapai Kenikmatan Sensasional !

Anda belum puas saat bercinta ? Ini dia Tips

Anda belum puas saat bercinta ? Ini dia Tips bercinta yang bisa membuat Anda akan mencapai kepuasan
Merasakan puncak kenikmatan saat berhubungan seksual adalah harapan dari setiap pasangan suami istri. Meski wanita seringkali sulit merasakan puncak kenikmatan saat berhubungan seksual, bukan berarti tidak bisa dicapai secara bersama.

Yang terpenting adalah antara Anda dan pasangan terjalin komunikasi yang baik. Ingin mendapatkan kenikmatan sensasional bersama suami? Ini caranya, seperti dikutip dari Modern Mom.

Berbagi beban
Anda dan pasangan sebaiknya selalu saling berdiskusi mengenai berbagai beban hidup yang terkadang bisa menurunkan gairah bercinta. Cara ini bisa meredam stres yang Anda alami, dan membuat Anda lebih bersemangat bercinta.

Cobalah untuk meluangkan waktu beberapa saat untuk diri sendiri. Gunakanlah kesempatan itu untuk berolahraga. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa olahraga meningkatkan dorongan dan kepuasan seksual. Yoga bisa jadi pilihan Anda.


Pastikan Anda dan pasangan Anda selalu punya waktu untuk saling memberikan sentuhan dan pelukan setiap hari. Cara ini akan membuat Anda merasa nyaman.

Membaca dan menonton
Membaca sebuah buku erotis atau menonton film erotis, ini bisa Anda lakukan, baik ketika Anda sendiri atau dengan pasangan.


Sadarilah bahwa bagi banyak wanita, gairah seksual bisa meningkat lewat sentuhan-sentuhan. Jangan menunggu hingga bergairah bercinta. Sebaliknya, lakukan saja dan menikmatinya.

Sedikit provokatif
Sesekali, Anda bisa terlibat dalam percakapan nakal seputar seks dengan pasangan. Misalnya, kirimkan email seksi atau pesan menggoda di siang siang hari.

Jangan terburu-buru
Sadarilah bahwa secara umum, untuk mencapai puncak kenikmatan, wanita lebih lambat dibanding pria. Wanita perlu waktu untuk betul-betul bergairah. Hal ini bisa membuat kelelahan dan stres. Ambil waktu yang Anda butuhkan tanpa terburu-buru atau menjadi berorientasi pada tujuan.

Komunikasi dengan pasangan sangat penting sekali. Komunikasikanlah semua hal terkait kehidupan seksual yang Anda alami. Hal ini bisa memecahkan persoalan yang mungkin mengganjal. Ungkapkan keinginan Anda secara jelas dan langsung ke pasangan.
publishing by Jekethek-:-Blog Berita Indonesia Terbaru Hari ini

Seberapa Dalamkah Vagina Wanita ?

enangkan bagi pria ketika datang waktunya penetrasi. Namun, tahukah Anda bahwa penetrasi bukanlah instrumen kenikmatan utama bagi wanita.

“Hanya sekitar sepertiga wanita yang bisa orgasme dari hubungan seksual itu sendiri,” kata Paul Jenner lewat bukunya “Great Sex: Rahasia Seks Terdahsyat”.

Lantas, apa yang harus dilakukan pada Miss V yang sensitif?

“Kenyataannya, hanya sepertiga bagian luar Miss V saja-kurang lebih 2,5 cm-yang sangat sensitif daripada semua bagiannya. Sebagian karena adanya lebih banyak syaraf akhir dan sebagian karena jalan masuknya dikelilingi oleh sistem klitoral. Buktinya adalah sangat sedikitnya perempuan yang masturbasi dengan memasukan sesuatu ke dalam Miss V mereka,” jelas Jenner.

Jenner juga membeberkan fakta bahwa ukuran Miss V secara mengejutkan ternyata kecil. Miss V berukuran diameter hanya 2 cm (0,8 inci) dan kira-kira panjangnya 7,5 cm (3 inci) pada wanita yang belum memiliki anak. Miss V membesar selama perangsangan seksual, menggembung sekira 6 cm (2,3 inci) pada ujung diameter serviks dan memanjang sekitar 10 cm (4 inci).

“Miss V melebar untuk menyesuaikan Mr P, apapun ukurannya. Selama orgasme, sepertiga bagian luar Miss V berkontraksi dengan interval 0,8 detik. Sebagian besar wanita mengalami tiga sampai lima kontraksi, tetapi kontraksi itu bisa juga sebanyak 10-15 kontraksi,” tutupnya.

publishing by Jekethek-:-Blog Berita Indonesia Terbaru Hari ini

Wangi Parfum Penambah gairah bercinta

Parfum yang biasanya dipakai ternyata menjadi salah satu pemikat gairah seksual terhadap pasangan.

Sensasi kesegaran dan keharumannya yang menyerbak dapat membuat pasangan Anda tergoda dan lebih cepat terangsang.

Seperti dikutip dari Cosmopolitan, Alan Hirsch, MD, direktur dari Chicago's Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation menjelaskan, aroma parfum secara cepat dapat menstimulasi otak.

Ini berhubungan langsung dengan hasrat atau dorongan seksual seorang pria, sehingga dia menjadi lebih terangsang. Ini dibuktikan dari survei yang telah dilakukan terhadap beberapa orang pria dan wanita.

Untuk memberikan kejutan bercinta, Anda bisa memilih beberapa aroma wangi untuk pasangan seperti dilansir dari Loving You.

Cartier Roadster

Parfum ini ditujukan bagi pria yang memiliki kesan 'nakal'. Aroma segar yang muncul dari Cartier Roadster menjadi simbol kejantanan seorang pria.

Fuel for Men by Donna Karan

Aroma dari Fule for Men by Donna Karan ini sangat cocok bila Anda berikan pada pasangan dengan tipikal pria metroseksual. Campuran rempah-rempah dengan harum musk, menimbulkan keharuman eksotis bak di tengah hutan.

Oceans Water Pure by Nautica

Melalui perpaduan lemon, motif bunga, garam laut, lavender, dan karang geranium dijamin akan membuat si dia makin tergoda berbuat "nakal".

Heboh!! harta karun suku maya ditemukan

Harta karun emas yang berasal dari peradaban Maya di Amerika Selatan dipercaya tersimpan di sebuah danau wilayah Guatemala. Baru-baru ini, arkeolog asal Jerman mengklaim bahwa dirinya berhasil memecahkan kode dalam buku kuno berisi informasi penyimpanan harta karun yang dilengkapi dengan peta.
Arkeolog tersebut adalah Joachim Rittsteig, guru besar emeritus Dresden University. Rittsteig yang terlibat ekspedisi ke Danau Izabal Guatemala mengatakan bahwa halaman-halaman dalam buku tersebut berisi informasi spesifik tentang harta karun yang dimaksud.
Rittsteig mengatakan, "Halaman 52 berbicara tentang Atlan, ibu kota Maya, yang hancur oleh gempa bumi pada tanggal 30 Oktober 666 SM. Di kota ini, suku Maya menyimpan 2.156 emas batangan yang diklaim suku Maya sebagai miliknya."
Rittsteig yang telah mempelajari teks dalam buku itu selama 40 tahun mengatakan, "Dresden Codex menunjukkan adanya harta karun besar berupa emas murni seberat 8 ton." Koran Jerman Bild yang mensponsori ekspedisi ini akan mengirim reporter, fotografer, kamerawan, dan penyelam profesional ke Danau Izabal untuk menemukan emas itu. (kompas)

Sebab Reaktor nukliar berbahaya.Kenapa?

Manusia tidak dapat lepas dari ketergantungannya terhadap listrik sebagai salah satu sumber kehidupan. Melihat sudah menipisnya defisit bahan bakar maupun mineral sebagai pembangkit listrik banyak alternatif yang ditemukan, termasuk nuklir.

Reaktor nuklir adalah tempat terjadinya reaksi pembelahan inti (nuklir) atau dikenal dengan reaksi fisi berantai yang terkendali. Bagian utama dari reaktor nuklir yaitu: elemen bakar, batang kendali, moderator, pendingin dan perisai.

Reaktor nuklir dibedakan berdasarkan fungsinya menjadi dua, yaitu reaktor penelitian/riset, dan reaktor daya (pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir.

Reaksi nuklir ini akan menghasilkan energi panas dalam jumlah cukup besar. Contohnya pada reaktor daya, energi panas yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan uap panas, dan selanjutnya digunakan untuk mengerakkan turbin-generator yang bisa menghasilkan listrik.

Sedangkan pada reaktor penelitian, panas yang dihasilkan tidak dimanfaatkan dan dapat dibuang ke lingkungan.

Berikut adalah garis besar cara kerja sebuah reaktor nuklir(jenis PWR) hingga bisa menghasilkan listrik, seperti yang dilansir Nuklir.INFO:

- Di dalam inti reaktor, reaksi fisi terjadi karena adanya penembakan neutron terhadap bahan bakar nuklir yang menghasilkan energi panas.
- Energi panas yang dihasilkan dari inti reaktor kemudian dibawa oleh air bertekanan pada primary loop ke generator uap.
- Di dalam generator uap, air yang berasal dari secondary loop menjadi terpanaskan dan terbentuklah uap.
- Uap yang dihasilkan diarahkan ke turbin uap untuk memutar generator dan akhirnya menghasilkan listrik.

Tetapi kurang cermatnya perhitungan dalam pendinginan reaktor akan meningkatkan konsentrasi pada inti materi. Ini terbukti pada saat Jepang mengalami situasi serba kacau karena gempa dan gelap, memaksa para petugas berimprovisasi dalam mendinginkan reaktor.

"Mereka bekerja dalam keadaan panik untuk mencari solusi mendinginkan inti reaktor. Ini mengindikasikan seberapa seriusnya masalah. Mereka terpaksa melakukan tindakan yang tidak biasa dan berimprovisasi untuk mendinginkan reaktor nuklir," ujar Mark Hibbs, peneliti senior dari program kebijakan nuklir di Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Akibatnya, menurut Badan Energi Atom Internasional (IAEA) lebih dari 170.000 orang dalam radius 10-20 km dari instalasi pembangkit di Fukushima telah diungsikan sehubungan dengan ledakan yang terjadi pada pembangkit tersebut.

Dampak sesaat atau jangka pendek akibat radiasi tinggi di sekitar reaktor nuklir antara lain mual, muntah, diare, sakit kepala, dan demam.

Sementara itu, dampak yang baru muncul setelah terpapar radiasi nuklir selama beberapa hari di antaranya adalah sebagai berikut: pusing, mata berkunang-kunang, disorientasi atau bingung menentukan arah, lemah, letih, dan tampak lesu, kerontokan rambut dan kebotakan, muntah darah atau berak darah, tekanan darah rendah, dan luka susah sembuh.

Dampak jangka panjang dari radiasi nuklir umumnya justru dipicu oleh tingkat radiasi yang rendah sehingga tidak disadari dan tidak diantisipasi hingga bertahun-tahun. Beberapa dampak mematikan akibat paparan radiasi nuklir jangka panjang antara lain kanker, penuaan dini, gangguan sistem saraf dan reproduksi, dan mutasi genetik. (inilah)

Rahasia Huruf 'i' Dibalik Produk-produk Apple

Ibarat Raja Midas dalam mitologi Yunani, apapun yang disentuh jemari Steve Jobs menjadi emas. Setelah sentuhannya menghasilkan Apple iMac, iPod dan iPhone, Tangan ajaib Jobs kembali menelurkan iPad pada April 2010.

Komputer tablet berlayar sentuh berukuran 9,7 inci ini menebarkan 'demam' iPad ke seluruh dunia sejak diluncurkan April tahun lalu. Kini iPad generasi kedua kembali mengguncang dunia.

Lalu kenapa Steve Job selalu membubuhkan huruf 'i' dalam setiap produk buatannya? Pada tahun 1998, Job membuat iMac yaitu penggabungan antara internet dan Macintosh.

Kata itu dijodohkan Job bukan tanpa makna, iMac merupakan perkawinan antara kesenangan penduduk dunia berinternet dengan kesederhanaan Macintosh.

Tapi, internet bukanlah arti satu-satunya yang dimasud Job. Kini dengan pelbagai produk baru dari Apple, kata 'i' melambangkan banyak makna seperti informasi, intruksi dan inspirasi.

Nah, kata mana yang menurut Anda paling tepat. (tempo)

Fenomena Facebook dan situs Porno

Menurut situs peneliti internet, situs jejaring sosial terbesar Facebook jauh lebih populer dibanding situs porno.

Situs peneliti internet Experian Hitwise mengatakan pada Januari lalu, Facebook memiliki bagian 12,46% dari keseluruhan trafik online Inggris. Jumlah itu menunjukkan sebanyak 2,4 miliar orang mangakses Facebook.

Sebagai perbandingan pada situs hiburan lain, termasuk situs porno, situs-situs ini hanya mendapat perolehan sebesar 12,18% trafik online. Seperti dikutip BBC, pertama situs kalinya jejaring sosial mengalahkan hiburan dalam hal popularitas.

Facebook diketahui memiliki 56% total kunjungan. "Ketika jejaring sosial saling bersaing, banyak pengguna muncul di berbagai tempat di internet," kata Research Director Experian Hitwise Robin Goad.

Sebanyak satu dari delapan orang berhenti mengakses jejaring sosial untuk membuka situs lain, lanjutnya. Misalnya Facebook, situs ini merupakan sumber kunci trafik banyak jejaring sosial.

“Hampir seperlima orang meninggalkan Twitter untuk mengakses jejaring sosial lain,” ungkap Goad. (vivanews)

Domain XXX disetujui jadi pro dan kontra

Anda mungkin terbiasa melihat domain '.com' atau '.org' dalam situs-situs internet. Akan segera bergabung 'sepupu' mereka yang mesum: .xxx.

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011 kemarin, dewan direksi Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICAAN), yang mengawasi sistem penamaan dalam internet, menyetujui pembentukan distrik online 'lampu merah' untuk situs-situs pornografi. Ini adalah antiklimaks dari pertempuran sepanjang satu dekade terkait penamaan itu.

Sebelumnya, kelompok religius menentang penamaan '.xxx' ini. Mereka berpendapat dengan memberikan domain khusus pada situs-situs dewaasa, adalah bentuk legitimasi terhadap isinya, dengan segala kemesumannya.

Sebaliknya para pegiat pornografi khawatir, dengan memberi domain khusus para konten porno, akan mempermudah pemerintah memblokir situs mereka. Salah satunya, Diane Duke, direktur eksekutif industri hiburan khusus dewasa,  Free Speech Coalition dalam pernyataannya menuding ICANN telah melanggar kebebasan berbicara dalam internet.

Sementara para pendukung kebijakan ini menganggap dengan disetujuinya domain .xxx tersebut, telah sesuai dengan prinsip keterbukaan sebagai dampak pertumbuhan internet.

Sementara ide domain .xxx jadi perdebatan filosofis yang panas, untuk perusahaan yang mendaftarkan domain tersebut, itu hanya berarti uang.

ICM Registry dan CEO-nya, Stuart Lawley bersiap mengeruk keuntungan dari domain baru ini. Sebab, perusahaan itu yang akan berwenang mengumpulkan dana dari para pengguna domain .xxx.

Lawley berencana memungut biaya US$60 per tahun bagi siapapun yang berniat menggunakan domain ini. Harga ini jauh lebih besar dari penyedia domain lain yang memungut biaya sekitar Us$10, bahkan kurang. Lawley optimistis bakal menjual 500.000 domain sepanjang musim panas ini. "Ini akan sangat menguntungkan," ujar dia, seperti dimuat AP, Sabtu 19 Maret 2011.

Sebelumnya, ICANN telah berulang kali menolak aplikasi Lawley sejak tahun 2000, di bawah tekanan dari kelompok Kristen dan pemerintah yang tidak senang dengan penyebaran pornografi lewat online.

Namun, Lawley membela diri dengan menyatakan, domain khusus ini adalah  cara bagi orang tua untuk lebih mudah memblokir akses ke konten tersebut. Juga penyaring web. Sebab, semua konten porno dan mesum akan diberi label jelas, .xxx. (yahoo)


iPhone di Jepang Dibuat Untuk Menghindari Pengintip Celana Dalam

Di negara Jepang memang terkenal dengan perilaku masyarakatnya yang suka hal yang aneh-aneh. Demikian juga ponsel di Jepang ternyata memiliki fungsi khusus untuk menghindari tukang intip celana dalam.

Kamera ponsel sangat memudahkan karena bisa difungsikan sebagai kamera digital. Nyatanya, ada saja yang memanfaatkan kepraktisan teknologi ini sebagai keisengan untuk mengintip celana dalam wanita yang memakai rok.

Di Jepang banyak sekali wanita yang suka memakai rok mini. Hal ini menjadikan peluang tersendiri bagi pria-pria yang punya kelainan atau hobi mengintip bagian bawah dari wanita. Peringatan juga dipajang di eskalator subway untuk berhati hati adanya tukang ngintip yang memanfaatkan teknologi kamera ponsel.

Nah, buat iPhone yang dijual untuk masyarakat Jepang akan selalu berbunyi bila kamera akan mengambil gambar. Kabarnya ketika kamera ponsel dinyalakan juga akan terdengar bunyi tertentu yang seperti bunyi 'jepret'.

Fitur khusus tersebut dibuat permanen, atau tidak bisa dimatikan. Kecuali si tukang intip membeli handphone bukan di negara Jepang.

Nah kalau cewek di Jepang memakai rok yang seperti di bawah ini bagaimana? Tentunya si pengintip tidak perlu lagi kamera untuk melihat langsung... ^^

Sumber :

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Best Movie Mistakes Ever

1. American Pie: In the bedroom scene the girl is holding a clear cup full of beer. The camera goes off her and when it comes back she is holding a blue cup. The camera goes back off her then on her and the cup is clear again.

2. Commando: After chasing down Sully, the yellow Porsche is totally wrecked on the left side, until Arnie drives it away, and it's fine.
3. Gladiator: In the "Battle of Carthage" in the Colosseum, one of the chariots is turned over. Once the dust settles you can see a gas cylinder in the back of the chariot.
4. Jurassic Park: In the scenes where there's a video link to the docks shown on computer, there's a bar moving along the bottom of the screen, showing us that it's actually a video that's just playing on the computer.
5. The Matrix: When Agent Smith is interrogating Neo, after Smith has sealed Neo's mouth shut and he is backed into the corner, when the camera cuts back to Smith you can clearly see a reflection in his glasses of Neo still sitting down in the chair.
6. Star Wars: In the scene where Luke and Leia are about to swing across the canyon inside the Death Star, Leia shoots one last time. She hits the bulkhead behind the stormtrooper on the right and he falls forward. The trooper on the left continues firing (as seen in the screencap).
7. Terminator 2:Judgment Day: The T-1000 punches his body through the window of a helicopter to get inside. An instant later, the hole in the windshield is gone.
8. Twister: During the big falling debris scene, Paxton and Helen Hunt are in the red truck. The truck hits a tractor. The impact damages the windshield, and it is clearly broken, but a second later the windshield is perfect and untouched.
9. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: At the start of term feast, after Harry is sorted into Gryffindor, he sits down on the right side of the table next to Ron. When the feast appears, Harry is on the other side of the table, next to Hermione.
10. The Usual Suspects: Right before they rob the police car, a Boeing 747 (four engines) is seen in shots of the plane coming into land. But when the plane is shown from behind, it has only two engines and fewer main langing gears, probably a Boeing 767.
11. Spider-Man: When Mary Jane is being mugged by four men, Spider-Man throws two of the men into two windows behind Mary Jane. The shot switches to Spider-Man beating up the other two guys. When it cuts back to Mary Jane the two windows are intact.
12. Ocean's Eleven: Linus and Rusty are standing in the Botanical Garden at the Bellagio going over Linus' observations. Rusty has a cocktail glass of shrimp in hand. When they change angles he has a plate in his hand, then change back, it's a glass.
13. The Bourne Identity: When Matt Damon and Marie begin to kiss in the hotel room, his wristwatch is on his right wrist; when the camera angle changes and they are still kissing, his wristwatch has mysteriously changed to his left wrist. Mirrors aren't involved - while there's a mirror in the bathroom, we see too much of the room in all of the shots for it just to be a reflection.
14. Die Another Day: In the final fight scene on the plane between Jinx and Agent Frost, Jinx is slashed across her stomach, drawing blood. In a later scene, when Jinx and 007 are pouring diamonds over one another in the hut on the cliff her stomach is unblemished.
15. The Lord of the Rings:The Two Towers: Merry and Pippin were bound when taken by the Uruk-hai, and the bonds weren't cut until after they managed to escape during the fight. Yet, when the horse almost crashed down on Pippin, he had his arms spread out up near his face, not bound, even though they weren't cut until later. In the next shot, his hands are bound again.
16. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: In the dueling scene, when Snape pulls Malfoy back onto his feet, a cameraman is visible on the far left of the screen.
17. X-Men 2: In the end, when the President is visited by the X-Men, he receives a blue binder, which is laid in front of him on the table. When they have left, you see a shot including the President's desk, and you can see that the only thing he has on the table are some sheets of paper, stapled in the upper left corner, opened up. Then the shot changes to a close-up of the President, and then back again, and you see the blue binder in front of him, closed, and the papers have disappeared.
18. Terminator 3:Rise of the Machines: When John and Catherine are in the hangar at the runway, the Cessna's tail number is N3035C. When the plane is shown in the air, the number is N3973F. When they land, the tail number has changed back to N3035C.
19. Pirates of the Caribbean:The Curse of the Black Pearl: Just as Jack says, "On deck, you scabrous dogs," to the very left edge of the screen over Jack's shoulder is a grip crew member with a tan cowboy hat, white short sleeve tee shirt and sunglasses, just standing there looking out to sea.
20. The Lord of the Rings:The Return of the King: In the second half of the film, Frodo has a scar on his lower right cheek, close to his chin. Many times throughout the rest of the film the scar changes position and size on his right cheek. It also appears on his left cheek in flipped shots (most obviously on the slopes of Mount Doom when Sam is cradling his head).
21. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: There are two scenes during which Harry is shown having visions of the Dept of Mysteries while he is asleep. The first scene occurs after Harry's confrontation with Seamus in the Gryffindor common room. There are shots of Harry lying in bed wearing a short sleeve, crew neck tee shirt, but when he is startled awake by the vision of Voldemort, he sits up wearing a buttoned henley tee. The next day is the first day of DADA class with Umbridge. That last shot of Harry in the henley tee shirt was cut from a later scene. Later in the film, when Harry has the vision of Arthur Weasley's attack, he is wearing the henley tee shirt.
22. The Rocky Horror Picture Show: When Eddie escapes the deep freeze, he wears three rings on his left hand (his middle and ring fingers and his pinky). Bizarrely, the pinky ring actually disappears in quite a few shots, including when Eddie plays the sax and when he lifts Columbia, just before they mess around on the floor.
23. Twilight: When Bella is in the hospital, in the close-up of her face, the breathing tubes are right by her eyes, but when the shot is farther from her face, the tubes are on her cheeks.

You didn't Know Top 10 Interesting Facts About Dreams

Dreams come from your subconscious mind as a means of processing and sorting information. But the truth is no one really knows what causes dreams and why some people seem to have vivid colorful dreams and others have short uneventful ones. Dream is a report of a memory of a cognitive experience that happens under the kinds of conditions that are most frequently produced in a state called "sleep." But if you want it to be more simple, you can think of dreams as the little dramas our minds make up when the "self" system is not keeping us alert to the world around us.
10. Do Animals Dream?

Any pet owner knows that animals seem to dream, and studies show that animals' brains follow the same series of sleeping states as ours do. Studies conducted in 2000 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), led Cambridge researchers to believe that not only do animals dream, but their dreams can be highly complex involving long sequences of replayed waking events.

9. Dreams Can Prevent Psychosis
Psychosis means abnormal condition of the mind, it's a psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality". It was foun recently, that people who were awakened at the beginning of each dream, but still allowed their 8 hours of sleep, they all experienced difficulty in concentration, irritability, hallucinations, and signs of psychosis after only 3 days and when finally they were allowed the required REM sleep, their brains made up for lost time by greatly increasing the percentage of sleep spent in the REM stage.

8. Blind People Also Dream
Blind people can dream as well. What they see in their dreams depends on how much they could ever see. If someone has been totally blind since birth, they only have auditory dreams. If they have become blind after their birth, then they'll continue to dream about images, shapes and colors before they were blind. And if they're blind at birth, they will dream about the other senses.

7. Snoring Prevents Dreaming.
Occasional snoring is usually not very serious, but it does prevent dreams. However, the habitual snorer not only disrupts the sleep patterns of those close to him, he also disturbs his own. Habitual snorers snore whenever they sleep and are often tired after a night of what seems like quality rest. Medical assistance is usually needed for habitual snorers to get a good night's sleep.

6. Gender Differences in Dreams
Men and women dream differently, but age, vocation, family structure and other factors seem as important as anatomy in many cases. Men tend to have more men in their dreams and be in conflict or competition with them. Outdoor and unfamiliar settings are prevalent. Weapons, tools, cars and roads are common. Women dreams have more people they know in them and more concern with personal appearance. The interactions are more friendly have more references to food and have more female characters in them. Girls are more likely to report longer dreams and recount them with more feeling, using colors to express feelings.

5. Not Everyone Dreams in Color
Most dreams are in color, although people may not be aware of it, either because they have difficulty remembering their dreams or because color is such a natural part of visual experience. People who are very aware of color while awake probably notice color more often in their dreams. Atleast 12% of sighted people dream exclusively in black and white. The remaining number dream in full color.

4. You Forget 90% of your Dreams
It seems likely that all of us forget 95-99% of our dreams for the very ordinary reason that we sleep right through them and aren't paying attention to remembering anything. One dream researcher suggests that it's similar to when you are doing something that doesn't take much concentration, such as driving on an open road, so you are not paying attention to what you are doing. Atleast 5 minutes after waking, half of your dream is forgotten. Within 10, 90% is gone. We do forget part of our dreams and then suddenly remember them all or just part of it.

3. We Only Dream of What We Know
Dreams often express our current concerns and preoccupations; it is called "the continuity hypothesis." If you are nervous about studying for finals, you may have nervous dreams on the same topic. Dreams are not always about negative preoccupations, though. If you have a crush on someone, it is likely that you will dream about them; if you love basketball, you're more likely to dream about it than someone who doesn't follow the sport.

2. Dreams have Hidden Meanings
That question doesn't have a definitive answer. Some people would say yes, and we'd have no way of proving them right or wrong. Some dreams may well contain "hidden" meanings in the form of metaphors or symbols, but an awful lot of dreams are just mundane "doodles" taken from the events of our lives. If you are having recurring dreams or nightmares, it's best to contact a therapist experienced in this area. Don't go down the mystical route of trying to analyze yourself by means of a book.

1. Everybody Dreams
Have people ever told you, "I never dream"? Well they're wrong. The fact is everybody dreams every night. One just may not be able to remember his/her dreams. Don't worry too much if this is the case. Not remembering dreams doesn't mean you're abnormal or unnatural in any way. While most people do remember their dreams, the memory is fleeting and occurs mainly when the sleeper first awakens. Enough said.

Top 10 Most Corrupt Countries Of 2010 | Ten Nations Ranking 2011

Corruption poses a serious development challenge. Corruption undermines political, social and economic stability. It threatens security and damages trust and public confidence in systems which affect people’s daily lives. Although corruption frequently occurs at local or national level, its consequences are global; its hidden costs immense. Corruption arises in both political and bureaucratic offices and can be petty or grand, organized or unorganized. Have a look.
10. Equatorial Guinea

The Republic of Equatorial Guinea is located in west central Africa. The country has exasperated a variety of rights organisations who have described the two post-independence leaders as among the worst abusers of human rights in Africa. The value of Equatorial Guinea's exports is considerably higher than the cost of its imports. Equatorial Guinea continues to depend heavily on foreign investment.

9. Burundi

Burundi is a landlocked country in the Great Lakes region of Eastern Africa bordered by Rwanda, Tanzania and Democratic Republic of the Congo. Burundi's economy is based predominantly on agriculture. griculture supports more than 90% of the labor force, the majority of whom are subsistence farmers. Although Burundi is potentially self-sufficient in food production, the civil war, overpopulation, and soil erosion have contributed to the contraction of the subsistence economy by 30% in recent years.

8. Chad

Chad is a landlocked country in central Africa. It is bordered by Libya, Sudan, the Central African Republic, Cameroon, Nigeria and Niger. Landlocked Chad's economic development suffers from it's geographic remoteness drought lack of infrastructure and political turmoil. About 85% of the population depends on agriculture including the herding of livestock. Currently Chad has a GDP right under $16 billion GDP and a per capita income of only about $1,600.

7. Sudan

Sudan is the largest, yet one of the least visited, countries in Africa. Sudan is an overwhelmingly agricultural country. Much of the farming is of a subsistence kind; agriculture occupies some 80% of the workforce but contributes only 35% of the GDP. Industry is largely confined to agricultural processing and light manufacturing. Sudanese officials including president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir routinely dismiss any talk of widespread corruption in the country despite a public perception to the contrary.

6. Turkmenistan

The nation's numerous mineral resources include rich deposits of oil and natural gas under the Caspian Sea and along its coast. Turkmenistan’s economy still depends heavily on energy, and the government controls most of the economy, making the transition to greater economic freedom marginal and unstable. The narrow economic base, together with government inefficiency and interference, has prevented the development of a robust private sector and slowed job growth.

5. Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is rich in mineral resources. State intervention remains considerable in many areas of the economy and continues to hold back long-run economic development. The courts are subject to political interference, and corruption is pervasive throughout the civil service. Economic reform is an unfinished process in Uzbekistan. The country scores poorly in most areas of economic freedom.

4. Iraq

Iraq has been highly dependent on foreign economic aid in recent years, from both Western and Arab countries. The country also has a severe labor shortage. The absence of the rule of law is impeding the development of a vibrant private sector and hurts overall economic growth, especially by hindering the creation of a stable investment and entrepreneurial climate. Economic progress rests on a fragile foundation, undermined continuously by weak physical security and persistent corruption.

3. Afghanistan

Corruption in Afghanistan is perceived as rampant. As a result of war, exports have dwindled to a minimum, except for the illegal trade in opium and hashish. The country has also become an important producer of heroin, which is derived from opium. Afghanistan is heavily dependent on international assistance. The main trading partners are Pakistan, the United States, and India. The economy lacks the overall capacity to enhance productivity as well as to improve the standard of living.

2. Myanmar

Myanmar's economic freedom has deteriorated even more in recent years. Investment freedom, financial freedom, property rights, and freedom from corruption are extraordinarily weak. Monetary stability remains fragile, and inflation is very high, largely reflecting excessive money creation to fund fiscal deficits. Almost three quarters of Myanmar's population either grows or processes crops, with roughly only ten percent of of population working in the industrial sector.

1. Somalia

Factors that gave Somalia the worst ranking were reports of the diversion of half of the international food aid meant to its 2.6 million starving populace and its military warlords who control most of Somalia’s territory. Somalia has suffered two consecutive years of drought and bad rains, making the country entirely dependent on foreign food aid. Corruption has marred every aspect of Somali society. Business warlords have adjusted to the climate of lawlessness - avoiding taxes, selling expired food and drugs, sustaining anti-state forces and commercialising so as to profit from areas that were traditionally in the public sector. In many parts of the country inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations have become de facto governments without any accountability. Enough said.